Le standard téléphonique de l'ALTE 69 est fermé du lundi 29 juillet au lundi 19 août inclus.
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The association

The non-profit association Agence Locale de la Transition Énergétique du Rhône (Rhône Local Energy Transition Agency) or ALTE 69 was created by a federation of municipalities, the Rhône department, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, Hespul and actors of the private sector.

As defined in its statutes, the association aims to encourage, guide, promote and facilitate the energy transition. ALTE 69 is working towards a sober, efficient and renewable energy landscape, building on the sustainable development of local territories and the fight against climate change causes and effects.

ALTE 69 helps energy consumers (municipalities and local authorities, inhabitants and more broadly all local actors) in their efforts towards implementing energy savings, renewable energies  and energy centered innovations.

ALTE 69 provides expertise and services that are mutualised across local authorities in the Rhône department. With a mission for the public good, ALTE 69 is independent from energy and materials suppliers. Main sectors of expertise are energy consumption monitoring; construction and/or renovation of high-performance buildings, thermal and electric (photovoltaic) renewable energies, integrated in buildings or as independent production facilities; and energy planning. ALTE 69  role varies from awareness raising amongst inhabitants to accompanying the development of collective and municipal project and public policies (climate, energy, planning…), with the end goal of a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions across local territories.

The association is supported by its members, ADEME (Agency for Ecological Transition), Rhône Développement Initative and the European Commission. ALTE 69 current president is Martin Sotton.

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